Who Am I?
We’ve never seen anything like this.
Every part of our day is different now, since COVID-19. I have been photographing my days and experiences, even things that now seem commonplace, like a cart full of n95 respirators and face shields. The quiet hallways of the hospital without visitors, the shuffle of doctors in nurses in hospital scrubs. I started out making a book for myself to remember these times, but I want to share what I’ve seen. And share what others have seen. So this site offers a place to collect these memories and moments captured as photographs. If you would like to contribute any photographs, please connect with me through Instagram or Twitter. If I get photos from outside of Indy, I will add a separate gallery with captions of their location.
My name is Katherine Palmisano, MD. I am a Board Certified Internal Medicine physician in Indianapolis, IN where I work as a hospitalist. I am part of our hospital’s teaching faculty working to teach and grow new physicians as they complete their time in our residency program.